Beef Rouladen

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Beef Rouladen

For something that looks together with tastes equally impressive equally this beef rouladen, it’s truly 1 of the simplest stuffed meat recipes I know. Everything happens correct on the meat, together with later a quick curlicue together with tie, nosotros simmer inwards the gravy until tender. The beef together with fixings season the sauce, the sauce flavors the beef, together with everybody wins.

Regarding the meat, 1 of the smashing things almost this technique, is that you lot tin sack pretty much purpose whatever inexpensive cutting of beef they accept on sale. I used some circular steak, only rump, chuck, flap meat, together with other like cuts volition work.
Tell your butcher you’re making rouladen, together with they volition claw you lot upwardly alongside what you lot need. If they’ve never heard of rouladen, together with therefore you lot should in all probability discovery some other butcher. As I mentioned inwards the video, this tin sack live on scaled upwardly to whatever size group. Just purpose a bigger pot, together with the recipe volition operate equally shown. I truly promise you lot laissez passer on this Rouladen recipe a endeavour soon. Genießen!
Ingredients for two Beef Rouladen:
  • 2 (about 1/4-inch thick) slices of inexpensive beef, almost vi ounces per slice. I used round, only rump, chuck, flap meat, together with whatever other long cooking cuts volition work.
  • salt together with freshly seat down dark pepper to gustatory modality
  • 2 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 4 strips pancetta or bacon
    paprika to taste
  • sliced onion, equally needed
  • 6 slices dill pickle
  • 1 tbsp vegetable crude oil
  • For the gravy:
  • 2 tbsp butter, added to the pan drippings
  • 1/4 loving cup flour
  • 3 cups beef broth, veal, or chicken stock
  • salt to taste